Service Worlds (e-bok)
FörfattareJohn Bryson, Peter Daniels, Barney Warf
FörlagTaylor and Francis
Antal sidor296

E-bok • 2013-04-15

Service Worlds (e-bok)

av John Bryson, Peter Daniels och Barney Warf

  • ISBN: 9781135131937
  • Format: E-bok
  • Publiceringsår: 2013-04-15
  • Förlag: Taylor and Francis
  • Antal sidor: 296
  • Språk: Engelska

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Om Service Worlds (e-bok)

Boken Service Worlds (e-bok) släpptes år 2013 och är skriven av John Bryson, Peter Daniels och Barney Warf.

Den består av 296 sidor och är skriven på engelska. Boken är utgiven av förlaget Taylor and Francis.

Köp den ny för 904 kr hos Bokus.

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As the twenty-first century begins, significant changes are occurring in the way that services and goods are produced and consumed. One of the key drivers of this change is information and communications technology (ICT). It has transformed the role of space and time in patterns of economic development, in the rise of globalization and in the scale and structure of organizations. ICT has therefore accelerated the process of continual change and evolution that is the hallmark of both the capitalist economy and of organizations. Giving a student-friendly account of the diversity of theoretical perspectives, this outstanding book aids understanding the evolving economic geography of advanced capitalist economies. A series of detailed firm and employees' case studies from Europe, North America and the Asia Pacific, are used to inform useful theoretical case studies, which also investigate the significance of increased blurring of the lines between services and manufacturing functions in the production and consumption process.

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