ISBN | 9780415873840 |
Upplaga | 2 |
Format | Häftad (Paperback / softback) |
Författare | Liping Ma |
Publiceringsår | 2010-01-25 |
Förlag | Routledge |
Antal sidor | 198 |
Språk | Engelska |
Häftad (Paperback / softback) • 2010-01-25
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Boken Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics släpptes år 2010 och är skriven av Liping Ma.
Den består av 198 sidor och är skriven på engelska. Boken är utgiven av förlaget Routledge.
Vi kunde inte hitta något pris på vad den kostar ny.Studies of teachers in the U.S. often document insufficient subject matter knowledge in mathematics. Yet, these studies give few examples of the knowledge teachers need to support teaching, particularly the kind of teaching demanded by recent reforms in mathematics education. Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics describes the nature and development of the knowledge that elementary teachers need to become accomplished mathematics teachers, and suggests why such knowledge seems more common in China than in the United States, despite the fact that Chinese teachers have less formal education than their U.S. counterparts. The anniversary edition of this bestselling volume includes the original studies that compare U.S and Chinese elementary school teachers' mathematical understanding and offers a powerful framework for grasping the mathematical content necessary to understand and develop the thinking of school children. Highlighting notable changes in the field and the author's work, this new edition includes an updated preface, introduction, and key journal articles that frame and contextualize this seminal work.
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