Convergence in Broadcast and Communications Media
FormatInbunden (Hardback)
FörfattareJohn Watkinson
FörlagFocal Press
Antal sidor320

Inbunden (Hardback) • 2001-04-01

Convergence in Broadcast and Communications Media

av John Watkinson

  • ISBN: 9780240515090
  • Format: Inbunden (Hardback)
  • Publiceringsår: 2001-04-01
  • Förlag: Focal Press
  • Antal sidor: 320
  • Språk: Engelska

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  • Morgan J
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Om Convergence in Broadcast and Communications Media

Boken Convergence in Broadcast and Communications Media släpptes år 2001 och är skriven av John Watkinson.

Den består av 320 sidor och är skriven på engelska. Boken är utgiven av förlaget Focal Press.

Köp Convergence in Broadcast and Communications Media begagnad från en av 2 studenter hos oss och spara pengar. Om du köper den begagnad sparar du 1725 kr (76%) mot att köpa den ny hos Bokus.

Kurslitteratur som säljs på är begagnad och därför kan vi inte garantera att eventuella digitala produkter eller inloggningar fortfarande är aktiva. När ni kontaktar en annonsör om att köpa en bok, fråga då om detta.

Convergence in Broadcast and Communications Media offers concise and accurate information for engineers and technicians tackling products and systems combining audio, video, data processing and communications. Without adequate fundamental knowledge of the core technologies, products could be flawed or even fail. John Watkinson has provided a definitive professional guide, designed as a standard point of reference for engineers, whether you are from an audio, video, computer or communications background.Without assuming any background and starting from first principles, the four core technologies of image reproduction, sound reproduction, data processing and communications are described. Covering everything from digital fundamentals to conversion methods, sound and image technologies, compression techniques, digital coding principles, storage devices and the latest communications systems, the book shows how these technologies operate together and the necessary conversions that take place between them. Acronyms and buzzwords are introduced only after their purpose has been described in plain English - as the book serves to give a reliable grasp of the fundamentals. The criteria involved in determining image and sound quality are based on a thorough treatment of the human senses, a unique description of how motion portrayal works in managing systems.John Watkinson is an international consultant in audio video and data recording. He is a Fellow of the AES, a member of the British Computer Society and a chartered information systems practitioner. He presents lectures, seminars, conference papers and training courses worldwide and writes for many industry magazines. His other books for Focal Press are widely acknowledged as standard reference works and industry `bibles'. John is author of MPEG2, The Art of Digital Video and the Art of Digital Audio, An Introduction to Digital Video, An Introduction to Digital Audio, The Art of Sound Reproduction, Television Fundamentals, Co-author of The Digital Interface Handbook and Contributor to The Loudspeaker and Headphone Handbook.

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