FormatHäftad (Paperback)
FörfattareAndrew Burrows
FörlagOUP Oxford
Antal sidor1432

Häftad (Paperback) • 2017-01-26


av Andrew Burrows

  • ISBN: 9780198733805
  • Upplaga: 3
  • Format: Häftad (Paperback)
  • Publiceringsår: 2017-01-26
  • Förlag: OUP Oxford
  • Antal sidor: 1432
  • Språk: Engelska

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Om Chemistry

Boken Chemistry släpptes år 2017 och är skriven av Andrew Burrows.

Den består av 1432 sidor och är skriven på engelska. Boken är utgiven av förlaget OUP Oxford.

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Chemistry is widely considered to be the central science: it encompasses concepts on which all other branches of science are developed. Yet, for many students entering college, gaining a firm grounding in chemistry is a real challenge. Chemistry3 responds to this challenge, providing studentswith a full understanding of the fundamental principles of chemistry on which to build later studies. Unique among the introductory chemistry texts currently available, Chemistry3 is written by a team of chemists to give equal coverage of organic, inorganic and physical chemistry - coverage that is uniformly authoritative. The approach to organic chemistry is mechanistic, rather than theold-fashioned 'functional group' approach, to help students achieve a fuller understanding of the underlying principles. The expertise of the author team is completed by two specialists in chemistry education, who bring to the book a wealth of experience of teaching chemistry in a way that students enjoy and understand. The result is a text that builds on what students know already from school and tackles theirmisunderstandings and misconceptions, thereby providing a seamless transition from school to undergraduate study. The authors achieve unrivalled accessibility through the provision of carefully-worded explanations and reminders of students' existing knowledge; the introduction of concepts in a logical and progressive manner; and the use of annotated diagrams and step-by-step worked examples. Students areencouraged to engage with the text and appreciate the central role that chemistry plays in our lives through the unique use of real-world context and photographs. Chemistry3 tackles head-on two issues pervading chemistry education: the students' mathematical skills, and their ability to see the subject as a single, unified discipline. Instead of avoiding math, Chemistry3 provides structured support, in the form of careful explanations, reminders of keymathematical concepts, step-by-step calculations in worked examples, and a Math Toolkit, to help students get to grips with the essential mathematical element of chemistry. Frequent cross-references highlight the connections between each strand of chemistry and explain the relationship between thetopics, so students can develop an understanding of the subject as a whole.

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