Objects First with Java
FormatMixed media product
FörfattareDavid J Barnes
Antal sidor560

Mixed media product • 2011-12-05

Objects First with Java

av David J Barnes

  • ISBN: 9780132492669
  • Upplaga: 5
  • Format: Mixed media product
  • Publiceringsår: 2011-12-05
  • Förlag: Pearson
  • Antal sidor: 560
  • Språk: Engelska

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Om Objects First with Java

Boken Objects First with Java släpptes år 2011 och är skriven av David J Barnes.

Den består av 560 sidor och är skriven på engelska. Boken är utgiven av förlaget Pearson.

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Objects First with Java: A Practical Introduction Using BlueJ, 5e, is ideal for introductory courses in Java/Introduction to Programming and Object-Oriented Programming and for beginning programmers. This is the only introductory programming textbook that uses the BlueJ integrated development environment (IDE) to teach introductory and object-oriented programming principles using Java. Its close integration with the BlueJ development environment allows this book to focus on key aspects of object-oriented software development from day one. BlueJ's clear visualization of classes and objects means that readers can immediately appreciate the differences between them, and gain a much better understanding of the nature of an object than they would from simply reading source code. Unlike traditional textbooks, the chapters are not ordered by language features but by software development concepts. Language features are introduced as a response to the problems to be solved. A large number of different, interesting projects are used to provide variety and avoid the monotony of a running problem. This book takes an objects first approach to teaching the traditionally difficult concepts of objects in a manipulative visual form. Throughout, the emphasis is on developing a practical approach to programming, with students encouraged to add code to existing programs rather than working with an intimidating sheet of blank paper. This textbook is printed in four-color to aid pedagogy and reader learning. 

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