Thinking With Type 2nd Ed
FörfattareEllen Lupton
FörlagPrinceton Architectural Press
Antal sidor224

Häftad • 2010-08-26

Thinking With Type 2nd Ed

av Ellen Lupton

  • ISBN: 9781568989693
  • Upplaga: 2
  • Format: Häftad
  • Publiceringsår: 2010-08-26
  • Förlag: Princeton Architectural Press
  • Antal sidor: 224
  • Språk: Engelska

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Om Thinking With Type 2nd Ed

Boken Thinking With Type 2nd Ed släpptes år 2010 och är skriven av Ellen Lupton.

Den består av 224 sidor och är skriven på engelska. Boken är utgiven av förlaget Princeton Architectural Press.

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"Thinking with Type is to typography what Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time is to physics."-I Love TypographyThe best-selling Thinking with Type in a revised and expanded second edition:Thinking with Type is the definitive guide to using typography in visual communication. Ellen Lupton provides clear and focused guidance on how letters, words, and paragraphs should be aligned, spaced, ordered, and shaped. The book covers all typography essentials, from typefaces and type families, to kerning and tracking, to using a grid. Visual examples show how to be inventive within systems of typographic form, including what the rules are, and how to break them.This revised edition includes forty-eight pages of new content with the latest information on:* style sheets for print and the web* the use of ornaments and captions* lining and non-lining numerals* the use of small caps and enlarged capitals* mixing typefaces* font formats and font licensingPlus, new eye-opening demonstrations of basic typography design with letters, helpful exercises, and dozens of additional illustrations.Thinking with Type is the typography book for everyone: designers, writers, editors, students, and anyone else who works with words. If you love font and lettering books, Ellen Lupton's guide reveals the way typefaces are constructed and how to use them most effectively.

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