The Living Company
FörfattareArie De Geus
FörlagHarvard Business School Press

Häftad • 2002-05-01

The Living Company

av Arie De Geus

  • ISBN: 9781578518203
  • Format: Häftad
  • Publiceringsår: 2002-05-01
  • Förlag: Harvard Business School Press
  • Språk: Engelska

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Om The Living Company

Boken The Living Company släpptes år 2002 och är skriven av Arie De Geus.

Den är skriven på engelska Boken är utgiven av förlaget Harvard Business School Press.

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Most companies do not survive the upheavals of change and competition over the long haul. But there are a few remarkable firms that have withstood the test of several centuries. What hidden lessons do they hold for the rest of us? Arie de Geus, the man who introduced the revolutionary concept of the learning organization, reveals the key to managing for a long and prosperous organizational life. The Living Company speaks not just to aspiring leaders, but to anyone trying to adapt to a turbulent business environment. Only those steeped in the habits of a living company will survive. 'This profound and uplifting book is for the leaders in all of us. Arie de Geus challenges most of the conventional wisdom in management thinking today' - Dr. James F. Moore, author of "The Death of Competition".'Arie de Geus gives leaders of the future an indispensable guidebook in which commitment to values, people, learning, and innovation defines the living company. It's in my book bag' - Frances Hesselbein, President and CEO, The Drucker Foundation.

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