Organizational Behavior
FormatHäftad (Paperback)
FörfattareSteven McShane
FörlagMcGraw-Hill Education
Antal sidor736

Häftad (Paperback) • 2006-11-01

Organizational Behavior

av Steven McShane

  • ISBN: 9780071101042
  • Upplaga: 4
  • Format: Häftad (Paperback)
  • Publiceringsår: 2006-11-01
  • Förlag: McGraw-Hill Education
  • Antal sidor: 736
  • Språk: Engelska

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Om Organizational Behavior

Boken Organizational Behavior släpptes år 2006 och är skriven av Steven McShane.

Den består av 736 sidor och är skriven på engelska. Boken är utgiven av förlaget McGraw-Hill Education.

Köp Organizational Behavior begagnad från en av 1 studenter hos oss och spara pengar. Vi kunde inte hitta något pris på vad den kostar ny, men den kostar bara 359 kr begagnad.

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delivering what weve come to expect from this author team, mcshane/von glinow 5e helps everyone make sense of ob, and provides the conceptual tools to work more effectively in the workplace. In their new Fifth Edition, McShane and Von Glinow continue the trailblazing innovations that made previous editions of Organizational Behavior recognized and adopted by the new generation of organizational behavior (OB) instructors. McShane and Von Glinow 5e is acclaimed for: Readability, presentation of current knowledge Strong International/Global orientation Contemporary Theory Foundation (without the jargon) Active Learning and Critical Thinking Support Textbooks philosophy-OB knowledge is for everyone, not just traditional managers. Reality is that everyone: sales representatives, production employees, physicians needs OB knowledge to successfully thrive in and around organizations. The authors ability to engage students by introducing cutting edge OB topics while providing relevancy to OB concepts through the linking theory with reality approach, is the reason OB 5e remains unparalleled in its ability to engage students. Hundreds of fascinating real-life stories captured from around the world, Linking Theory with Reality, remains one of the texts key, hearty features. The first to bring OB cutting edge topics, OB 5e continues introducing students to the present and future context of emerging workplace realities: social networks and virtual teams replacing committee meetings, knowledge replacing infrastructure, values and self-leadership replacing command-and-control management; companies looking for employees with emotional intelligence and team competencies, not just technical smarts. Diversity and globalization have become challenges as well as competitive opportunities for organizations. Coworkers arent just down the hall; theyre at the other end of an Internet connection located around the world, and much, much, more.

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