Introducing Intercultural Communication
FörfattareShuang Liu
FörlagSAGE Publications Ltd
Antal sidor384

Häftad • 2014-11-18

Introducing Intercultural Communication

av Shuang Liu

  • ISBN: 9781446285916
  • Upplaga: 2
  • Format: Häftad
  • Publiceringsår: 2014-11-18
  • Förlag: SAGE Publications Ltd
  • Antal sidor: 384
  • Språk: Engelska

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Om Introducing Intercultural Communication

Boken Introducing Intercultural Communication släpptes år 2014 och är skriven av Shuang Liu.

Den består av 384 sidor och är skriven på engelska. Boken är utgiven av förlaget SAGE Publications Ltd.

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Taking a truly global perspective, this textbook presents concepts, theories and applications from the field of intercultural communication in a lively and easy-to-follow style. Covering all the essential topics, from immigration to intercultural conflict to the impact of mass media and technology, this cutting edge new edition features: A student-friendly structure with enhanced signposting to guide students through the book. Expanded coverage of ethics, digital communication and social media. A brand new set of international case studies to tie theory to real-world practices, including the European refugee crisis, Chinese food culture and Barbie dolls and beauty. A suite of student-friendly learning features, including ‘Do it!’ activity boxes, chapter summaries and applications of key theories in ‘Theory Corner’. Links to further reading and SAGE Video to help understanding. A host of online resources to reinforce students' learning, including multiple choice quizzes, discussion questions and exercises. Introducing Intercultural Communication is the ideal guide to becoming a critical consumer of information and an effective global citizen. It should be required reading for students in media and communications, business and management, linguistics and beyond.  

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