Human Anatomy, Color Atlas and Textbook
FörfattareJohn A Gosling
Antal sidor456

Häftad • 2016-04-19

Human Anatomy, Color Atlas and Textbook

av John A Gosling

  • ISBN: 9780723438274
  • Upplaga: 6
  • Format: Häftad
  • Publiceringsår: 2016-04-19
  • Förlag: Elsevier
  • Antal sidor: 456
  • Språk: Engelska

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Om Human Anatomy, Color Atlas and Textbook

Boken Human Anatomy, Color Atlas and Textbook släpptes år 2016 och är skriven av John A Gosling.

Den består av 456 sidor och är skriven på engelska. Boken är utgiven av förlaget Elsevier.

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The new edition of this well-known hybrid anatomy core text and atlas superbly depicts and describes the human body, so you can identify anatomical structures with confidence and have a clear understanding of the core anatomy you need.  Now fully revised and updated, it is the only textbook and atlas of gross anatomy that illustrates all structures using high-quality dissection photographs AND clearly labelled line drawings for each photograph. This is combined with concise yet thorough text to support and explain all key human anatomy and clearly relate it to clinical practice. The complete, downloadable eBook (via Student Consult), enhanced with interactive self-assessment material, completes this superb, comprehensive resource. It will be particularly relevant to medical and dental students, as well as candidates preparing for higher surgical specialties and radiology. It will also be an invaluable, accessible guide for students in other professions where anatomy is an important component of the course. New highlighting of expanded clinically relevant portions of the text and the Clinical Case Skills pages help readers quickly understand how to apply gross anatomical knowledge to clinical settings High quality, colored dissection photographs show structures most likely to be seen and tested in the lab - helps students recognize and interpret gross specimens accurately Interpretive line drawings next to every photograph clearly identify structures described in the adjacent text and consistent use of color-coding helps differentiate muscle, ligament, peritoneum etc. New photographs with the latest imaging techniques employed in current practice reveal anatomical structures clearly This book comes with the complete, downloadable eBook via STUDENT CONSULT - enhanced with new interactive self-assessment material to check understanding and aid exam preparation High quality, richly coloured dissection photographs show structures most likely to be seen and tested in the lab - helps you recognize and interpret gross specimens accurately Interpretive line drawings next to every photograph, with consistent colour-coding - helps you clearly identify structures and differentiate fat, muscle, ligament, etc. 'Clinical Skills' pages and new highlighting of the most clinically relevant text helps readers quickly understand how to apply knowledge of gross anatomy to the clinical setting New photographs reflect the latest imaging techniques as seen in current practice This book comes with the complete, downloadable eBook via STUDENT CONSULT - enhanced with new interactive self-assessment material to check understanding and aid exam preparation

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