Finance - (bok + digital produkt)
FörfattareHans Byström
Antal sidor242

Häftad • 2014-03-31

Finance - (bok + digital produkt)

av Hans Byström

  • ISBN: 9789144096025
  • Upplaga: 3
  • Format: Häftad
  • Publiceringsår: 2014-03-31
  • Förlag: Studentlitteratur
  • Antal sidor: 242
  • Språk: Engelska

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Om Finance - (bok + digital produkt)

Boken Finance - (bok + digital produkt) släpptes år 2014 och är skriven av Hans Byström.

Den består av 242 sidor och är skriven på engelska. Boken är utgiven av förlaget Studentlitteratur.

Köp Finance - (bok + digital produkt) begagnad från en av 1 studenter hos oss och spara pengar. Om du köper den begagnad sparar du 235 kr (60%) mot att köpa den ny hos Bokus.

Kurslitteratur som säljs på är begagnad och därför kan vi inte garantera att eventuella digitala produkter eller inloggningar fortfarande är aktiva. När ni kontaktar en annonsör om att köpa en bok, fråga då om detta.

In today’s largely market-based global economy, financial markets such as stock and bond markets play an increasingly important role. As a result, an understanding of the workings of the modern market economy almost certainly requires knowledge of the basic functions of financial markets.Finance – Markets, Instruments & Investments provides a comprehensive yet relatively short and non-technical introduction to financial markets and the principal financial instruments traded there. The basic concepts behind rational investment strategies in these markets are also covered. The material is up-to-date and, in addition to the treatment of traditional financial markets such as bond, stock and derivatives markets, the book provides an overview of the market for credit and credit derivatives, the arena for the recent financial crisis.The book is written with a wide readership in mind. It is not only suitable for introductory finance courses at the undergraduate or MBA level, but anyone who needs a basic understanding, or refreshment, of the core principles of finance will find it helpful. Since the level of mathematical analysis has been consciously kept to a minimum, readers will find that the book requires only the most elementary knowledge of mathematics and statistics. The appendix at the end of the book contains the most important statistical concepts. Each chapter ends with a list of questions with complete answers and solutions. The third edition of the book has been revised and updated in order to keep the contents relevant. Additional examples and exercises have been included and the book’s website contains new study material.Third edition

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