Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry
FörfattareNiklaus P Lang, Jan Lindhe, Thorkild Karring
FörlagJohn Wiley And Sons Ltd
Antal sidor1448

Inbunden • 2008-02-29

Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry

av Niklaus P Lang, Jan Lindhe och Thorkild Karring

  • ISBN: 9781405160995
  • Upplaga: 5
  • Format: Inbunden
  • Publiceringsår: 2008-02-29
  • Förlag: John Wiley And Sons Ltd
  • Antal sidor: 1448
  • Språk: Engelska

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Om Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry

Boken Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry släpptes år 2008 och är skriven av Niklaus P Lang, Jan Lindhe och Thorkild Karring.

Den består av 1448 sidor och är skriven på engelska. Boken är utgiven av förlaget John Wiley And Sons Ltd.

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The fifth edition of "Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry" brings to its readers another iteration of the unrivalled, unparalleled work on the specialty of periodontics. The editors have brought together contributions from experts all over the world to provide the reader with a comprehensive, cohesive text that fuses scholarship and science with clinical instruction and pragmatism. "Clinical Periodontology" runs the gamut of sub-disciplines and topics within periodontics and implant dentistry, supporting an intellectually and internationally inclusive approach. The fifth edition includes a wealth of new and revised chapters that reflect developments in the field in the years since the fourth edition was published.The sections on anatomy of the periodontium and the basic sciences underlying tooth and implant attachment have been expanded, as has the section on pathology and pathogenesis of periodontitis. Increased interest in the interdisciplinary aspects of periodontology is reflected by new chapters on orthodontic anchorage. Other important topics with increased prominence include: risk assessment and host-modulation therapies, regenerative therapies, and a full discussion of surgical and non-surgical therapies. With an approximate increase in length of 25 per cent and over 15 new chapters, the 5th edition of "Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry" has grown beyond the confines of one volume.Two volumes divide the topics into basic sciences and applied clinical concepts, at the same time maintaining a seamless integration between the two. This book is the cornerstone of periodontology, and represents a unique distillation of the specialty by an expert group of authors under the tutelage of a legendary editorial team.

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