Atlas of Anatomy Latin Nomenclature, 2/e
FörfattareAnne M Gilroy, Brian R MacPherson, Lawrence M Ross, Michael Schuenke, Erik Schulte
FörlagThieme Publishing Group
Antal sidor712

Häftad • 2012-12-19

Atlas of Anatomy Latin Nomenclature, 2/e

av Anne M Gilroy, Brian R MacPherson, Lawrence M Ross, Michael Schuenke och Erik Schulte

  • ISBN: 9781604067477
  • Upplaga: 2
  • Format: Häftad
  • Publiceringsår: 2012-12-19
  • Förlag: Thieme Publishing Group
  • Antal sidor: 712
  • Språk: Engelska

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Om Atlas of Anatomy Latin Nomenclature, 2/e

Boken Atlas of Anatomy Latin Nomenclature, 2/e släpptes år 2012 och är skriven av Anne M Gilroy, Brian R MacPherson, Lawrence M Ross, Michael Schuenke och Erik Schulte.

Den består av 712 sidor och är skriven på engelska. Boken är utgiven av förlaget Thieme Publishing Group.

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The new gold standard for learning anatomy... Atlas of Anatomy, Second Edition, is the essential resource for anyone studying gross anatomy. Packed with over 2,400 full-color illustrations, this atlas guides you step-by-step through each region of the body, helping you master the details of anatomy. Key Features: Exquisite full-color illustrations with clear, thorough labeling and descriptive captions Even more clinical correlations help students make the connection between anatomy and medicine Coverage of each region intuitively arranged to simplify learning: beginning with the skeletal framework, then adding muscles, organs, vasculature, and nerves, and concluding with topographic illustrations that put it all together Over 170 tables summarize key anatomic information for ease of study and review Innovative, user-friendly format in which each two-page spread is a self-contained guide to a topic Surface anatomy spreads now include regions and reference lines or planes in addition to landmarks and palpable structures to develop physical exam skills Muscle Fact spreads ideal for memorization, reference, and review organize the essentials about muscles, including origin, insertion, innervation, and action New sectional anatomy spreads at the end of units build familiarity with 2D views of anatomic regions Access to PLUS, with over 500 images from the book for labels-on and labels-off review and timed self-tests for exam preparation Atlas of Anatomy is the student's choice: Thieme is the best anatomy atlas by far, hands down. Clearer pictures, more pictures, more realistic pictures, structures broken up in ways that make sense and shown from every angle...includes clinical correlations and summary charts of innervations and actions. That's about all there is to it. Just buy it. Thank you Thieme!!! Ok, now back to studying... In my opinion this book surpasses them all. It's the artwork. The artist has found the perfect balance of detail and clarity. Some of these illustrations have to be seen to be believed.... The pearls of clinical information are very good and these add significance to the information and make it easier to remember. Easier to remember is key.

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